Mission 162 Mission 161 | View All Mission Reports | Mission 163 Departure: Arrival: Date: Mission Report Richard C is a 51 year old engineer from Columbus, Indiana that was found with mesothelioma 1 1/2 yrs ago. At the time his L lung and pericardial sac were taken out. He then went through chemotherapy and radiation. He did well until a few months ago when it was found his cancer was back. He was accepted from National Institutes of Health in Bethesda MD for a study on a new drug and has made the trip twice. He came down with chest pain and trouble breathing the day he was due to go back to NIH for more treatment. After a checkout in the ER, he initially was in despair and not sure he could even continue with the treatment. After a few days of reflection he gained some strength physically and emotionally and decided to continue on with the study. He was too weak to go commercially so his company Cummins graciously offered to donate to Grace on Wings to get him there. We arrived at Columbus to a grateful family and gathered to pray over him with his friends and family before loading him on Nellie. We had a great flight with good conversation and arrived to a beautiful sunshine day in Washington DC. It was a smooth ambulance trip to Bethesda and his nurse was waiting on the curb to greet us! We pray his treatment goes well and that he can get back home to his three kids for Christmas. Thanks to great mission by Hal, Mark, Justin and Bob! Tam
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