A huge THANK YOU to our pilot Rusty, and your entire team for being an answer to many prayers…My dad is critically ill and was in St. Louis at a long term hospital with no family and no friends. Grace on Wings was so reasonable and even moved up the date as to...
Hi guys, back in March you flew my dad (Richard Laws) home to Akron, OH from St. Louis. After you flew him home, he began improving steadily each day. Today he is still at a rehab facility to help with his walking. He is now off all tubes – breathing on his own,...
Hi Mike and all you great people! It is a miracle that we are sitting here next to Dorothy, watching her sleep (but hopeful we will get to interact with her sometime today!)!! The words “thank you” are just not expressive enough for what we are feeling!...
My father, Robert (Bob) Lamb was transported by Grace on Wings from Prescott, Arizona to Traverse City, Michigan on July 10, 2015. I am writing to express my family’s sincere appreciation for the loving and professional care that Dad received while in flight and...
I personally wanted to thank Grace on Wings and their flight crew for transporting a very special little girl and her mother, Stephanie. I have had the pleasure of transporting this child and her mother a few times and I just have a place in my heart for this family....