This is a report for Mission 401 by Grace on Wings.
Departure: Pensacola, Florida
Arrival: Plainfield, Indiana
Date: May 24, 2016
Mission Report
It is a spectacular morning as the sun begins to rise and we are heading to Pensacola to meet 73 year old Mary and her husband Randy.
They are a wonderful Christian couple who have been married for 56 years and have raised 1 son and 1 daughter. They also have 6 grandchildren and 6 greatgrandchildren all living within about 10 miles of one another, right here in Brownsburg, Indiana. Randy retired from IPL and now works a fun part-time job with Chick-fil-a making catering deliveries.
Mary too is retired and at one time had worked for Keebler. ( what a great job that must have been, working for those cute little elves and forcing yourself to eat those delicious cookies!)
Recently while they were vacationing in Gulf Shores they were having some fun riding mopeds when Mary took a fall that resulted in a broken leg. Now after a few surgeries to repair her leg they want to bring her back home for therapy. Some friends from their home church had heard about Grace on Wings and we were contacted.
We arrive at Mary’s bedside and are greeted by Randy, their daughter and a friend. Mary is graciously thanking the nursing staff who have been caring for her as we get her ready for transport.
Randy will be flying back to Indiana with us too and they are excited to finally be making the trip.
Once we had Mary comfortably on board Nellie, Randy took his place in the seat at the head of her bed. As he passed by, Mary looked up at him and smiled sweetly saying, ” I never get tired of seeing that face.”
During our flight Randy shared with us his experience about the place where he had been staying during the time Mary was in the hospital. They was told about this Christian couple who use their home as a ministry to people whom have family members in the hospital and have nowhere to stay. ( I would encourage you to google it: ” Martha’s Vineyard of Pensacola Foundation, Inc. ” it truly is a wonderful ministry.)
They have converted their garage into a mini home for themselves which has freed up the main house for visitors to stay free of charge. Their generosity allowed Randy to bring homemade food to Mary in the hospital as well. They were both quite thankful for this ministry and we talked about how Mary’s fall had actually been turned into a blessing. They agreed that without what seemed like a misfortune they would have never been blessed by ” Martha’s Vineyard ” or ” Grace on Wings .” They could definitely see God working through this entire event.
They themselves have gone to the same church for 40+ years and have taken many mission trips here in the states. They are both excited about Randy taking 20 or so students out to Hollywood this August to minister to the young homeless teens there. Mary can no longer go like Randy can but she encourages him and is very content to stay behind and take care of things so it allows him to go. They both have heart of service.
As we arrive in Indy, there are a couple of friends waiting to greet them on the tarmac with a lovely bouquet of fresh flowers that again bring a smile to Mary.
They hugged her and welcomed them both back home promising to come and visit Mary in rehab once she is settled.
They were awaiting our arrival at the rehab center and assisted us in placing Mary into bed and afterward we all gathered to pray, thanking God for his perfect timing and for bringing us together.
I spoke with Randy a few days later and he said Mary is getting along well and is very motivated in doing her rehab. I do not expect that she will be there long.
Thank you to Hal and Eric for sharing this mission with me.
I would also like to thank ” Heartland Ambulance” who generously donate their services to our patients and families here in Indiana you are greatly appreciated !! Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.