Mission 377 Report
January 2016

This is a report for Mission 377 by Grace on Wings.

Departure:  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Arrival:  Cincinnati, Ohio

Date:  January 21, 2106

Mission Report


Today we are taking 24 day old little Oscar to his new home in Cincinnati. Little Oscar was born with Down’s Syndrome and several of the heart problems that typically accompany Downs.His new mommy (Kerry) is a nurse at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital where we will be going.

We arrive in the neonatal intensive care unit in Philly where it is extremely busy and full of tiny little ones in need of medical attention. Each one is hooked up to multiple monitors all with their own unique alarm sounds. We are greeted by an amazing staff who have been anticipating our arrival. They immediately surround us, offering to assist us in any way they can.

As I scan quickly across the room I am easily able to spot our sweet little Oscar in his mommy’s arms. She has him all bundled up and ready to go. We placed him into our baby pod on the warming pad and connected him up to our monitor for transport. The mattress in this little pod conforms to his body like he is being snuggled in his mommy’s arms.

Once we arrived at the airport just before we boarded Nellie, we all laid our hands on Oscar and Hal lead us in prayer. Oscar did well on his first airplane ride only crying a few times to which mom told us he was very warm blooded and he was probably too warm. She was right ( moms know their little ones) At one point he pushed his tiny little hand up through the hole of the pod we use to access the babies stretching his arm up and out. It brought a smile to our faces.

During our conversation with Kerry we learned that she and her husband are very active in their church and grounded in their faith. He works for their church and as I said earlier she is a nurse. They have a biological daughter and 2 other daughters they have also adopted. One from Ethiopia and the other from here in the states.

Oscar is the son they have been waiting for and when I say waiting for that is exactly what I mean. Kerry shared how they had just changed their adoption application request asking for a child with Down’s at the end of December. She went to work a few days later and walked into her patient’s room to find a little Hispanic guy with Down’s. She said that she felt the presence of God in that moment so strongly that she cried. She went over and just held and loved on him.

When she went home she told her husband about her experience and that she had a feeling it would not be long before they heard something. The next day they received the call from Philly that there was a little Hispanic baby boy with Down’s who needed a family. They went immediately in hope they would be chosen.

From what I understand the family that is placing their child for adoption is presented with several applications and videos to chose from and they select who they want their baby to go to. When the family saw the application from Kerry and Joel they were immediately drawn to them as “Joel” was they name they had chosen for their son.

Upon looking a little deeper and seeing that they were also Christians their decision was made. They chose Joel and Kerry. As we arrived Kerry was ecstatic to finally be home with their new son and looking forward to introducing him to his three big sisters. She had a huge smile of relief and a “thumbs up” as we entered the hospital. We were again greeted by an excited staff who could not wait to get their hands on Oscar and they wasted no time in doing so. I have no doubt this little guy will be surrounded by nothing but love.

Thank you to Hal, Tim, and Kim for sharing this mission with me Many blessings and may God’s grace and peace be yours in abundance.

Shelli Engle RN

Grace on Wings 

P.O. Box 455 
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“Showing Christ’s Love Through Aviation”
