Mission 306 Report
July 2014

This is a report for Mission 306 by Grace on Wings.

Departure:  Springdale, Arkansas

Arrival:  Cleveland, Ohio

Date:  July 7, 2014

Mission Report
After seeking treatment for her cancer in Istanbul, Israel, Italy, Miami and Arkansas, a 57 year old female “F” was going to stay with her parents at their home in California. We, Grace on Wings had been asked to transport her there from Little Rock, Arkansas where she had been receiving treatment from the current leading experts on Multiple Myeloma.
We arrived in her hospital room and found her surrounded by her family and many hospital staff. At first I thought all in the room were her family by the way they were all loving on her. It was not until we were headed down to the ambulance that I found out many were hospital staff whom had come to know her during her stay and now loved her like their own family. (How this pleases God when we love and care for others regardless of our relationship to them.) Upon leaving the hospital with her beautiful smile and positive outlook, she told the staff she would be back as soon as a cure was found.
Our patient’s Mother “J” (who is originally from Iran and spoke very little English and might I add Matt and I speak absolutely no Farsi) would be flying with us. During what little conversation we were able to have we learned that this family is both very international and affluent. 
J. also shared with us that she had also lost a son a few years back from cancer. (reminding me again how cancer does not care about our nationality, age, skin color or religious background, it will attack anyone that it can). But praise God that our Lord and Savior whom created each and everyone of us cares so much more about us than we can ever begin to comprehend.
Although our flight was quite long both F. and J. seemed comfortable as they both rested quietly while aboard Nellie. Once on the ground in California we were able to safely transport F. to her parents home. Their home was quite beautiful with a waterfront view and a breeze coming through the home. As you may or may not know once we reach our final destination with each patient we always invite everyone around us to join in prayer (this includes family, friends, staff and ambulance crew) and this was the perfect opportunity. 
It is always amazing to see how Christ unites His people. So as some laid hands upon F. and others held hands we laid this family at the feet of Christ. As we finished with tears in her eyes F. told us not only how much she loved us but how grateful she and her family were. What a comfort to know that F. is surrounded by and being cared for by her family and other staff.
After a good nights rest in California we will head back to Northern Arkansas to rest before picking up another of God’s own to transport to Cleveland.
While F. and J. were resting during our flight to California I was able to look out and see the Rocky Mountains and I was in awe at what a spectacular view it was. The sight of these mountains made me cry at how amazing and vast they are. At that moment I was overwhelmed by the need to get out my bible and turn to Genesis to read about creation. 
I thought “how could anyone ever deny that God alone, the Ancient of Days does not exist, yet many do. Should it really take seeing something as awesome as the Rockies to get our attention? For some it may, but can we not look at the smallest parts of creation and see His hand too?
Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–His eternal power and divine nature–have been CLEARLY seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are WITHOUT EXCUSE.
Where do you see God? Who is He asking you to come along side to help them to see Him too? Trust me, He is asking and He will equip us if we allow Him to. Today look past whatever that “Rocky Mountain” is that you may be seeing only the surface of. I challenge you to look deeper and see the Ancient of Days, the Alpha and Omega and look around you to see who you need to share Him with.

Isa. 43:10-13 “You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and my servant whom I have chosen , so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am He. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me . I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from Me there is no savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed–I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “that I am God. Yes, and from ancient days I am He. No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act, who can reverse it?”
Thank you Lord for giving Hal the gift of piloting and Matt for the gift of his compassion as always it is a pleasure to serve with each of you.
Many Blessings,
Shelli RN
Grace on Wings 

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