Mission 298 Report
May 2014

This is a report for Mission 298 by Grace on Wings.

Departure:  Cleveland, Ohio

Arrival:  Jackson, Mississippi

Date:  May 8, 2014

Mission Report 
“Hey Archie do you want to go home?” this was the question I asked when we arrived by his bedside at the Cleveland Clinic and although he did not speak with words he said it all with his smile and a gleam in his eyes. He and his sweet wife Jeanette had been here for 8 � long weeks far from their home in Jackson Mississippi. They had come at the recommendation of Archie’s cardiologist back home for open heart surgery and after many set backs it was time to get him home for rehabilitation and this… is where Grace on Wings came in.

Jeanette and Archie have been married for 54 years after meeting at college. They have 3 grown children and 5 grandchildren. Archie retired from the billing department at the hospital and Jeanette is a retired elementary school teacher. With a lot of family support and that of their church back home this mission was made possible.

After a brief prayer from Hal, we loaded Archie, Jeanette, and the crew onto the plane for our trip down to Jackson. The weather was great for the flight and Archie had no complaints although at times he seemed a little restless. I found myself putting my hand on his leg to help calm him and just praying silently for his rehab. As I reflected on his situation it made me think about how we in our humanity put so much faith and trust into each other, whether it be medical staff, mechanics, teachers or anyone for that matter never really knowing what the outcome will be. I wondered how much faith and trust are we putting in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the One who truly holds our destiny in His hands? I know I myself fall short of this many times.

When we arrived at the rehab facility Jeanette’s sister and a few friends from church were there to greet Archie. We took Archie to his beautiful new room and tucked him in ending our time with him in prayer. I am sure he will do so much better with the support of his family and church so close to him. Oh and did I mention that the facility is only 5 minutes from their home so Jeanette was looking forward to sleeping in her own bed for the first time in a long time. (Yet another great example of the small things we can so frequently take for granted.)

Hal, Matt, John and myself made the trip back home and after a big “welcome back crew” from our faithful flight follower Mike, we prayed and thanked God for making this day possible remembering that apart from Him we can do nothing.

Proverbs 3:5&6

Many Blessings,

Shelli Engle, RN

Grace on Wings 

P.O. Box 455 
Plainfield, IN 46168 

877-754-7223 – Toll Free
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317-796-3863 Mobile

“Showing Christ’s Love Through Aviation”
