Mission 292 Report
March 2014

This is a report for Mission 292 by Grace on Wings.

Departure:  Chattanooga, Tennessee

Arrival:  Baltimore, Maryland

Date:  March 18, 2014

Mission Report 
Today by the grace of God we were able to serve Katie and her family. 
This is the news story regarding the events of the tragedy that led to Katie requiring a ventilator, being paralyzed and not able to breath on her own. What is not shared in the story is that Katie was properly restrained in a car seat. 
However, during the accident when they hit black ice, the bench seat come unbolted from the car frame The car left the road and impacted a tree which caused extensive damage to the vehicle and it’s occupants.

Katie’s mom is 25 years old and has great difficulty wrapping her mind around the accident. She desperately wants her daughter to “be normal”. There was much resentment when she spoke about other parents complaining about “normal” life things and that they should cherish having to clean up after their children eat a messy meal which ends up all over the floor.

Obviously for some of us it would be difficulty to relate to the situation. But we know that God has directly dealt with circumstances of turmoil and tragedy when he gave up Jesus Christ to die for the world. 

If Christ did not come to die for us we would not have the Holy Spirit or the power that we have in prayer. We ask that you come boldly before the throne of God and pray for a miracle healing in Katie’s circumstances. She is two years old but children are highly resilient and that the same time she desperately needs a miracle for her make a full recovery.

Katie’s mom said that prayer of people (to God) is what gets them through the day and this long process. Katie’s mom was also injured in the accident and requires a walker and wheelchair to get around as her right ankle was fractured in 10 locations. Please keep Katie, her parents, family, supporters and care givers in your prayers.

Grace on Wings 

P.O. Box 455 
Plainfield, IN 46168 

877-754-7223 – Toll Free
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317-796-3863 Mobile

“Showing Christ’s Love Through Aviation”
