Mission 262 Report
September 2013


This is a report for Mission 262 by Grace on Wings.

Departure:  Greenville, South Carolina

Arrival:  Muskegon, Michigan

Date:  September 4, 2013

Mission Report 
Barbara R is an 82 year old Southern Belle from South Carolina. She was born and raised in South and has the wonderful friendly accent. She regularly traveled to Michigan by car to see her two sons that relocated there until she became ill and found she had uterine cancer.

She followed her doctor’s advice and underwent total hysterectomy-quite a large surgery for someone her age. She was so weak following her recovery she went to a rehab center to gain strength to even stand. 

Her sons were very concerned because she was so far from their assistance. It was decided that she would need to relocate to Michigan before going through the suggested chemotherapy and possible radiation.

She was way too weak to travel by commercial airline and her low immune system made her prone to getting infection. Her son contacted us and we flew out to beautiful Greensville South Carolina to get her flown to Western Michigan.
Her rehab center offered to take her to the airport and we assessed her in the lobby.

Her nursing aide that had become like family to her came with her and tears were shed as we prayed over her before loading her up in our aircraft Nellie. It seemed Barbara was starting a new chapter and saying goodbye to the well-read one was difficult.

Barbara suffered from chronic low back pain and restless leg syndrome and required some pain relief during flight. It was her very first flight ever and thankfully God gave us smooth skies! We landed near Lake Michigan to a wonderful airport and her son was waiting there for us when we opened the door of the aircraft.

Barbara thanked us for taking such great care (sounded even sweeter in her South Carolina accent.)

We helped her to get in the front seat of his SUV and I gave her kisses farewell and gave her the traditional “pinning” of the first time flyer.

We pray her treatment goes well and she is comforted by many family during this time.
Thanks for great care and and awesome flight by Larry and Hal and Mike!


Grace on Wings 

P.O. Box 455 
Plainfield, IN 46168 

877-754-7223 – Toll Free
317-248-0910 Office
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317-796-3863 Mobile

“Showing Christ’s Love Through Aviation”
