Mission 86

Mission 85 | View All Mission Reports | Mission 87

Omaha, NE

Denver, CO

June 30, 2010

Mission Report

After we tucked in AJ in Dallas, we flew to Omaha to get Josiah. He is a 6 year old who was staying with family 2 weeks ago in Omaha, while his Mom and Dad went to Jerusalem for missionary work. His Dad is a pastor in Denver, Colorado.

While riding in their car, his older brother-in-law slowed for a turning car and a semi didn’t see them and hit their car pushing them into oncoming traffic crushing their car. Both front seat passengers died and Josiah was trapped and it took 30 min to extricate him. He was unconscious and not breathing.

He was found to have a traumatic brain injury and his Mom and Dad flew back to the States to be with him. (I can’t imagine being a parent geting that call half way around the world.) When they arrived the next day they found their little boy awake but confused and unable to speak or follow commands and was extremely agitated.

With a whole lot of prayer from family and friends-miraculously he began to calm and his brain function began to return. His doctors felt he was ready for rehab but he was not able to get on a commercial flight due to the possibility of seizures in flight. One of the members of their church, Greg, told them about Grace on Wings and even offered to make the donation required to fly him. Greg is an accident investigator and safety advisor and we knew him from prior conferences we have attended.

When Grace on Wings arrived Josiah asked to walk (assisted) to our cot. We strapped him in and tried to reassure him about the monitor and straps. He was most comforted by his “snuggle bear” and his Mom.

During the flight he requested snacks from Mom and was so adorable bringing the microphone up to his mouth to speak: “more rice krispy treats Mommy, thank you Mommy.”

We arrived at an amazing children’s rehab facility in Denver and his Dad was there to meet us. His mom was excited they even had dog visits as one of the staff was a golden lab.

We prayed over Josiah and we will still keep him in our prayers asking God to give him back his ability to fully walk and to give him back his personality (bubbly smile).

Thanks to a great double mission day from pilots Hal and Rusty and my excellent crew of RT Chris and RN Kim!



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