Mission 81 Mission 80 | View All Mission Reports | Mission 82 Departure: Arrival: Date: Mission Report We flew to Cleveland Ohio to pick up Ervie V, who is a 73 years old who decided to meet back up with an old sweetheart. Unfortunately while visiting, he suffered a stroke that also caused him to fall down some cement stairs. He was hospitalized with left hemiparesis and due to trouble swallowing, a feeding tube through his nose was placed. He never lost his sense of humor and when we arrived, the nurse taking care of him asked how he was today and he said “handsome as ever”. He used to be a pilot and was excited to be able to fly in Nellie. His son Tom told us that although he was a Christian and deacon at his church, his father was not a believer and he believed that this was truly a God plan to show Christ’s love to his father. As we were flying, he wanted Hal to turn on the front radio traffic to listen along. I commented how I woke up with a very stiff neck and I was so thankful to some day get a new body in heaven and Ernie said “yep I could use a new body about now!” Ernie loved the flight and was so grateful to arrive back home. His daugter-in-law Jane met us and said she had flight followed us and said her whole office was praying during the flight due to the storms we passed through. Sure enough, Hal and copilot David flight planned safe and God parted the clouds and was faithful to keep us safe-even in the ice. Thanks also to my new recruit Jenny RN for her excellent care. Tam
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