Mission 77 Mission 76 | View All Mission Reports | Mission 78 Departure: Arrival: Date: Mission Report The other teacher we served is another sad story. Scott M is a 24 year old graduate from John Hopkins who originally had hopes for work on Wall St. He moved from his family in Ohio 3 years ago to New York City to search for a job -God had different plans for him. With a heart for missionary work, when he was unable to find a job in his field, he accepted a job teaching inner city kids Math. After only a year-he was offered his dream job but he declined stating he needed to finish his two year commitment to the kids. He is just now finishing his third year teaching these challenged kids. After a night out with his friends, he was headed home and at a local subway station he was tragically hit by the train when spitting out a piece of candy. He suffered a traumatic brain injury and skull fracture. His mom who is a nurse said she got the call at 1am and was told to “get there fast”. She explained she was in Columbus, Ohio but she’d get there as quickly as she could. After 7 weeks now, she has not left his side. She spends 14-16hr days tending to him as the hospital is very short staffed and she is afraid he’ll get hurt or not be cared for. At night she takes a taxi home to his apartment to stay (not wanting to ride the subway). He has been “waking up” and she was told by a family friend that Grace on Wings could help get him back home where his Mom works in Columbus at the Ohio State Med Center. Yesterday, on a beautiful blue sky day, we arrived in New York City and I was greeted with a huge hug from a very grateful Mom. Scott was sleeping as we got him ready. As I put his helmet on to protect his head (he had part of his skull removed for swelling) I told her that God has told us that He will not give us more that we can handle-wow how strong she must be. I was amazed at her resolve to give her all for her son. We loaded him into the plane and flew him and his Mom home. We were greeted by his Dad at the hospital who could hardly speak through the tears. Thanks to great flying by Hal and Jim, and to my “A team” crew of RN Kim and medic Matt. Statistically New York has approximately 12 subway “incidents” each month. As hard as it was to see and hear Scott’s story, his Mom knew it needed to be told. Something needs to change so Scott’s injury won’t happen again. You can see the story at: http://www.10tv.com/live/content/local/stories/2010/04/21/story-powell-subway-scott-meyers Tam