Mission 243 Mission 242 | View All Mission Reports | Mission 244 Departure: Arrival: Date: Mission Report Monica G is a 55 years old who began to have dizziness and confusion last March and then began to have seizures. Many strange brain lesions showed up on her MRI and she was transferred to John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore for further evaluation. They did every test known and no cancer or infection was detected. The diagnosis was unknown type of encephalitis. Her sister, Veena, and husband flew out from their home in Denver to be by her side because Monica had no other family to help and “they knew that’s what God wanted them to do.” Monica’s condition worsened as her lungs and kidneys failed and she was placed on full life support. For months, the doctors at this world renown medical center tried to find why she was so sick. Veena and her husband stayed in Monica’s apartment in Washington DC and took the daily train to the hospital to be by her side. Veena recalled one evening sitting in the dark by her sisters lifeless body after “a bad day” and getting a visitor through the door. The lady introduced herself and told Veena that she was sent by God to tell her not to worry. That even though Monica’s survival chances looked grim, she would pull through. Veena said she had so much peace after this lady left, and she had never seen her before in the hospital and never saw her again. She believes it was an angel. The doctors finally decided that for some reason, Monica’s immune system was attacking her own body. Finally they tried a chemotherapy drug and she began to emerge from the coma. Monica was very confused and kept asking her sister where she was and why repetitively. She also kept asking her sister to “please get me out of here.” After three months in the ICU, the doctors felt that Monica was stable enough to be transferred to an LTAC (long term acute care) center. Veena and her husband were searching for a way to finally go home to Denver and bring Monica. When they researched air ambulance costs, they were discouraged. Even though Monica had good insurance, relocation costs to another state where not covered and they could not afford the bill. Thats when someone told them about Grace on Wings and we were ready to help with our new aircraft “Abraham” or “Abe” for short. As Nellie’s new big brother, Abe was brought on our team to give our ministry the ability to serve patients in need whenever we get the call. Keeping aircraft running up to FAA commercial carrier standards, requires scheduled maintenance every few months and with only one aircraft-we’d be shut down until inspections were complete. Now we have two air ambulance configured MU-2’s Praise God! Abe flew great and we were able to show this family the love of Christ. Monica was still confused and sleepy during most of the flight, but she gave a big smile when we gave her the gift of the olive wood cross. We arrived in beautiful Denver after a full day of flying and tucked her into her knew bed. We pray that her brain will continue to recover and she will be blessed to finally fully wake up. Thanks to my team of medic Jackie, Hal and Mike Ford for serving this family. Thanks to the Farmer’s Bank of Frankfort for continuing to support this very important mission and to all the wonderful people at Intercontinental Jet for getting this aircraft ready to go! Abe’s tail number is N777LP for all of you prayer warriors/flight followers! Tam
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