Mission 242 Mission 241 | View All Mission Reports | Mission 243 Departure: Arrival: Date: Mission Report Maddy R has cerebral palsy and spina bifida. She loves to see Grandpa in Florida and go swimming and recently traveled with her family to Naples, Florida for a rare family vacation when she came down with pneumonia. She had never had that type of illness. She ended up on life support and the family stayed near her side. With many prayers and God’s goodness, the doctors finally found the antibiotic that began to fight her aggressive infection 3 weeks later. She began to heal but her little body was so weak that they told the family she would need a month to wean off the ventilator. Her only hopes to get home was an air ambulance. The family contacted us and we told them that we needed approximately $9,000.00 to run our aircraft with volunteer staff to come get her home to Indy. The family contacted Fox 59 for help and they did a story both in Indy and in Naples and within 48 hours the money was donated by gracious viewers! We were able to go get her and bring her back to Riley Hospital for Children. When I went to visit within two days of returning she was sitting up in bed with assistance. Mom said they were afraid to move her in Florida. She weaned off the vent the first week and is now at home doing great! Please visit the link to see the wonderful story Fox 59 did for Maddy and thanks to my team of Hal, Dr Jim, Chris, Danielle and also the great team at Heartland Ambulance for donating the ground ambulance-what an awesome mission to get this little one and her family home. Tam
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