Mission 176

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St. Paul, Minnesota

Lexington, Kentucky

Friday March 23, 2012

Mission Report

Robert O. aka “Cheeseburger” is 34 years old and went to North Dakota 3 years ago for a good job. He uses laser guided machines in manufacturing and is a very hard worker. A few weeks ago he hit a patch of ice on a slick road and his truck rolled over ejecting him 30 feet onto the road. He remembers no pain but did remember his clothes had frozen to the road surface when the medics arrived.

He suffered multiple leg fractures and low back fracture with spinal cord injury. He amazingly did not injure his head, neck or arms. He had to be flown to the nearest trauma center which was in Minneapolis MN.

He has had over 7 surgeries and initially a chest tube.

Grace on Wings was called to get Cheeseburger back home to Lexington, Kentucky for rehab. When we arrived he had good spirits and I had to ask him about his nickname tattooed on both forearms. He said it was from a job he had growing up next to a bar. He fancied the waitress and went there everyday for a cheeseburger after work and the name stuck.

His mom was in Minneapolis to see him off. She was flying back on a commercial flight (not a fan of small planes.)

We prayed over him and loaded him onto the aircraft and my medic Larry laughed as he declared this patient would be the first to out-talk him during flight!

Up at 21,000 ft we hit some major unexpected turbulence and dropped suddenly over 500 feet in the air-glad I had my seatbelt on and Cheeseburger agreed he would always remember his now after all he’s been through.

We arrived to a beautiful new rehab facility to an awaiting grateful sister. We prayed over him again and I invited him to our hog roast this September and he smiled and said he hopes he’ll be back at work by then.

Thanks to great flying by Hal and Mark, and to my awesome medic Larry and new recruit Scott (you passed the 500ft “drop” test 🙂



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