Mission 120 Mission 119 | View All Mission Reports | Mission 121 Departure: Arrival: Date: Mission Report Our team flew out the night before to Almagorda, New Mexico with medic Justin, nurse Debbie, pilot Hal and Mike. The next morning they picked up Roy W. who is 40 years old and has been overtaken by a pelvic tumor for the past year. He has had multiple surgeries with most of his colon removed and emergency surgery was actually done the day before his flight to stop severe bleeding. He was bed bound with multiple draining tubes and open wound on his back side of 20cm. He had been accepted to National Institute for Health in Bethesda, Maryland for research study but no way to get there. Our flight was over 5 hours with a fuel stop. The crew said Roy was so grateful to finally have some hope. I received a shocking call when they were 2 hours into the flight from his Doctor in New Mexico stating that one of the accepting doctors was very irate and “he didn’t feel comfortable” with the transport and wanted us to turn around! I called our medical director and he called NIH and we found out the issue was the surgery the day before was not told to NIH until after we had taken off and one of the accepting Dr’s was upset, but still willing to let him be admitted. I could not understand the doctor’s thought that it wouldn’t be an issue to just “turn around.” What about Roy’s hope for a treatment and what about all the costs involved? I’m so glad God was faithful and everything worked out and Roy arrived safely with the great care of our crew. Here is a recent email I received from his sister: Hi Tammy, I hope this finds you all well and blessed. I just wanted to give you all an update on Roy – in a word – FANTASTIC! He said to me that God has done a miracle. He’s not cured, but he can get up on his own, get dressed on his own, change his own bandages, go for walks, go to the cafeteria to eat, he has gained 10 pounds and sounds like the Roy I knew a couple of years ago. My husband, Henry, has been in Bethesda for 2 weeks now, and is supposed to come home on the 19th. There is a possibility his doctors will allow Roy to come home for a week when Henry comes home, then he will have to go back for more surgery. AND, the hospital will pay for his flights home and back again. I can’t tell you what a work of God this entire event has been. I believe with all my heart that as John 9:3 reads, “…..this happened so that the work of God may be displayed in his life…..” Thank you so much for your continued prayers and interest. May God bless you all indeed according to His riches in glory. May He continue to bless your ministry and expand your territories. Until we meet again, Robin W.
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