Mission 103

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Lynchburg, Virginia

Lansing, Michigan

Friday, October 29th, 2010

Mission Report

Gordon D is a 73 year old pastor who was working part time for Fed Ex when his truck overheated. He stopped on side of road to check radiator and cap flew off and struck him causing him to fall and hit his head. He suffered a brain hemorrhage and was hospitalized in Lynchburg VA.

One week later he had cardiac arrest and was revived and placed on life support. His wife stayed by his side with hopes he would get well enough to return home. They learned he suffered brain damage from lack of oxygen during the period of resusitation but he did begin to wake up. He had severe fluid build up outside his lungs and 2L of fluid was drained multiple times to help him breath. After 10 weeks he remained on ventilator but his doctors felt he was stable enough for air ambulance transport back home.

Grace on Wings was contacted by the family and we planned to leave last Tuesday to go get him. Unfortunately due to the weather we had to postpone the transport until Friday. Gordon and his church has helped many others in the past when they were in need, and now he and his wife relied on them to make the donation to us to get them home. When we arrived Gordon was awake and mouthing words-he wanted to go home. His poor wife was exhausted from staying in a town far from home and living at the hospital by his side for 11 weeks.

Gordon gets our vote for being one of the sickest patients to fly on Nellie, but with great care by RT Mike, myself, and RN Kim, and with God’s grace we got him home to Lansing. We were met by his son and daughter at the airport who had tears of joy to finally see their prayers answered.

We tucked him in in his new bed at the hospital (he was a bit disappointed it wasn’t his bed at home) and we all gathered to pray before leaving. I’m always surprised at the nurses look at the accepting facilities when we ask them to take a quick break to allow the family to gather to pray with us- some appear grateful to see our faith, and others are annoyed at the interruption 🙂

Thank you to all of your flight following prayers! We could feel God’s protection in this flight in keeping Gordon stable.


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